hi hi!! my name is remiel! but you can call me seymour or viktor if you prefer!! he/him pronouns! ^^ otherkin + fictionkin

very very interested in flowers (especially floriography + flower arranging) and nature in general!! tea enthusiast as well! mentally in a cozy forest usually... i also like doing theatre tech work (lighting + stage management specifically)! i draw and write sometimes ^^

i'm most active on spacehey! i have a twitter and instagram i use but it's usually just reposts;; feel free to talk to me!! i'm very anxious and awkward usually but!! i'll try my best!

running out of things to say hrm.. i like!! switch a lot!!
original layout

specific small things that make me happy
-asher and esper
-soft and heavy blankets
-the sound and feel of rain
-warm tea
-cozy sweaters
-porcelain trinkets
-clothbound covers
-autumn leaves
-light shining through trees
-texture of flower petals